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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

4 Blog Networking Tips

How do you find people to read your blog? How do you direct traffic to your blog?

The answer to these two questions may seem simple to seasoned bloggers but not to the beginning blogger. If you are an empty nester with lots of free time, retiree, a person that lives alone or just plain bored, you can easily direct traffic to your blog by the following steps. It takes time, and that's one thing you have if you fit in one of the previously described categories. If you're like me, you work a day job, drive an hour one way to that day job, buy groceries on the weekend, do home chores on the weekend, and do everything else requiring your time in the evenings and on the weekends. Blogging this way, it will take you longer to direct traffic to your blog. It can still be done, though. You have to prioritize and manage your time wisely.

Before you begin these networking tips to bring people to your blog, check your content. Include how-to information, tutorials, and other interesting content in your posts. Offer something people need and want. Oh, and remember to use photos and/or videos. Look up the subject of your content online to find out what people are looking for.

Now with your content in place, look up blog linking parties on Blogspot or other blog websites. Link up to the blog parties. Usually, you can find parties for every day of the week. Join them. Visit the other blogs linked to the parties you join.When you visit the other blogs linked to the blog parties, follow those with similar interests. Comment on their blogs, letting them know you have become a new follower of their blogs. Gradually, other bloggers joining the same blog parties as you will follow your blog, too. This is a great way to begin building your list of followers and to drive traffic to your blog. As a courtesy, visit your followers daily, weekly, or at least monthly. Once your blog grows to a large number, you won't be able to visit each blog as often. However, you can choose to list posts of blogs that you follow. You can tell when they have posted on their blog daily. Check the post titles, and visit those of interest to you.
  1. Visit blog linking parties weekly.
  2. Follow other blogs.
  3. Build your list of followers.
  4. Visit your followers periodically.
There is so much more, but this will get your off to a good start.

Happy Blogging!

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