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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Writer's Block

Writer's Block - a frustrating writing issue! Today I was thinking about this issue that keeps writers from writing consistently. It's easy for one to say, "Write every day," "Write what you know," "Write what is happening in your life," etc., etc. Sometimes, though, what is claimed to be writer's block is just plain too-many-irons-in-the-fire syndrome or too-busy-working-on-day-jobs issue. I can relate to these last two as well as the writer's block. If all the time I have is fifteen minutes in one day, then that still counts as writing. Right now that's about the way it is. I love to blog and have more than one blog to keep up. Interruptions in life happen, though. So I write every chance I get. This Write It Down Therapy is the place I'm writing between interruptions this week. Eventually, the blog posts will add up and might even make a little sense in life. I'm all about inspiring and being inspired. If this inspires you, that makes me happy.

Today I asked a friend how his wife is doing. She had breast cancer, thought all cancer was gone. Now she's learned that cancer has spread to her stomach. My mother died with cancer in the lungs and stomach. She never smoked but had lung cancer. Doesn't make sense. The stomach cancer subject bothers me. I've thought about that since Mother died in 2008. Is it because of the unhealthy food we eat? Stress? Not enough exercise? If we did all of those faithfully, eat right, never allow stress to overwhelm us, exercise the right amount every week, would that solve the problem of stomach cancer? I don't know. Maybe no one really knows. I told my friend I've been thinking about his wife and praying for her. He said it's not a death sentence; it's just a roadblock. I showed him a sentence I wrote in the Epilogue of my book, Phantom Seven. In the Epilogue I wrote about my publication process, how that I met with roadblocks along the way. When you have a roadblock, usually you have a detour. The detour leads you to the same destination, just not the way you planned.

Writer's block is a roadblock. It's okay to detour. As long as you have a map, a plan, you'll arrive even if it takes you a little longer than you hoped. Keep writing. Eventually you'll reach your writing goal, the plan you started out with when you began to write.

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